LBB Online - Dream Teams
It's official! We're a dream team!
Written by Diana Ellis-Hill and Meg Price
We started Be The Fox 10 years ago. Diana Ellis-Hill was making documentaries at the BBC, Megan Price was deep into comedy & brands. We worked on the documentary series Horizon together and knew we wanted to team up to start something exciting.
“She convinced me that there was an exciting big world out there full of possibility where brands could be commissioners, not just broadcasters,” says Diana.
And here we are, celebrating Be The Fox’s 10th birthday!
You can read the whole article about founding our creative agency on Little Black Book.
But before you run to read about our journey, we pulled out some quotes just for you:
“We were up against some of the biggest players in the industry and we didn’t have huge resources to put into a pitch. [...] We showed great ideas don’t have to come from big agencies. We felt like David and Goliath.”
"We can enjoy being ourselves and not waste time on worrying what we should be. We are 100% authentic."
“I personally have a passion for soda crystals (long story) and Diana wholeheartedly supported me in my enthusiasm, so that together we could get the whole team behind the challenge."