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Why Pride month shouldn't just be a once a year event for brands
Written by Diana Ellis-Hill
In Pride Month our team has raised the question of whether we should be turning our logo rainbow in open support of pride month as the debate continues amongst brands and campaigners regarding rainbow washing. Yet, my co-founder Meg and I turned to each other in slight bemusement – how could we, an entirely LGBTQ+ owned agency, possibly rainbow wash our own company?
We have always seen Pride as an opportunity to (literally) nail our colours to the flag. So why the concern?
Well, showing support for our community isn’t a one month a year thing. It’s about ensuring we, and brands, are walking the walk, not just talking the talk. It can’t be a simple act of outward support; it has to be backed up with action and advocacy. We’ve noticed too many brands using rainbows across their products and comms, hoping for the halo effect of seeming inclusive, whilst showing little or no evidence of supporting LGBTQ+ people in tangible ways. It’s called performative activism and it has a damaging effect within the community, and to the brand. With the rise of social media, fact checking and accountability, it doesn’t take long for customers to see where your true values lie.
Full article here.